Baltimore Tire Defect Lawyer

While we may not look at them often, the tires on our vehicles are one of the most important parts. When they fail on the road the results can be minor; however, there are instances where a blowout or rollover can be life-altering or even fatal. If you’ve been in a wreck that resulted from a tire defect, our Baltimore tire defect lawyers are prepared to represent you.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are approximately 11,000 tire-related crashes every year. In 2016, those tire malfunctions contributed to the deaths of 733 innocent victims. It can be difficult to wrap your head around the idea that those losses should have never happened. While we cannot bring your loved one back after a wrongful death, we can ease the financial burdens associated with the loss.

It’s imperative for accident victims to contact our auto accident lawyers as soon as possible after a crash. The sooner legal action is taken, the better the chances are of receiving full and fair compensation.

Common Tire Defects

Many tire defects can be related back to issues caused by the manufacturer. If you believe your accident was caused by a defective tire, you may have the grounds for a product liability case. Some of the more widespread defects are listed below:

  • Tread and Belt Separation. When this defect occurs, it’s likely the driver will lose control of their vehicle due to a blowout or rapid pressure decrease in the center of the tire. This issue can manifest during the manufacturing process, which is why appropriate adhesion, proper practices, and adequate quality control are important.
  • Sidewall Failures. This happens when the rubber of a tire heats up beyond normal operating temperatures and eventually ruptures.
  • Multi-Piece Rim Failure. While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has tried to ban this type of rim, they are still allowed. Multi-piece rims are less structurally sound than a rim that is one piece.
  • Bead Failures. The weakest part of any tire is the bead wire. If a mechanic decides to ignore a manufacturer’s safety margins for filling and the bead wire is weak, the tire would potentially explode.

Causes of Tire Failure

While there are a number of reasons tires can fail, which include under and over-inflating, many of the causes happen because of a manufacturer’s or mechanic’s negligence.

Many tire defects result from ineffective adhesion. This means that the glue’s age or poor bonding components affect the integrity of the tire during the manufacturing process. Moisture levels, impurities in the air, and other foreign materials need to be taken into consideration when tires are being made. When they aren’t, shredding and blowouts are possible.

When car owners take their vehicles to be maintenanced, the tires will often be balanced. Over time, potholes and general wear can cause misalignment. This can lead to tires wearing unevenly. If a mechanic doesn’t properly align the tires and there is a blowout because one tire was considerably weaker than all the other tires, our Baltimore tire defect lawyers are here for you.

In some cases, road hazards can cause tire failure. This could include potholes, uneven lanes, and road debris. While potholes and road conditions are the responsibility of the state, some road debris can be blamed on negligent truck drivers.

Brief Tire Buying Guide

The next time you need to buy tires, you may want to consider equipping yourself with key purchasing information. Once you know you’ve selected the proper tires, you’ll be able to recognize a manufacturing defect. The type of tire you should buy will vary depending on where you live and the weather you typically drive in:

  • All-season tires can handle a variety of road and weather conditions. They can be driven in warm and cold weather and will stay flexible. While they perform well in most conditions, they work best when temperatures stay above 45 degrees.
  • Winter tires are made of soft rubber that won’t harden when the temperature drops. They should only be used in cold, snowy environments because the soft rubber doesn’t provide as much traction when it’s warm.
  • Summer tires are not designed to operate in temperatures below freezing, or on snow or ice. They are made of a hard rubber.
  • All-terrain tires are primarily used on four-wheel drive vehicles. They allow for on-road and off-road travel.

Hold the Negligent Party Responsible with Our Tire Defect Lawyers in Baltimore

Unfortunately, even if you do buy the proper tires for your vehicle and environment, a manufacturing defect can have devastating consequences. At Belsky & Horowitz, LLC, we have the experience and knowledge needed to get you the compensation you may need for your medical expenses, lost wages, cost of future care, pain and suffering, and more. We understand the complexities in this area of law and will be determined to get you the justice you deserve.

No matter who the negligent party is, we will investigate your accident and build the best case possible to prove your wreck shouldn’t have happened. Our Baltimore tire defect lawyers are here for you. To find out what our legal team can do for your family, reach out to us for a free initial consultation.



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