
What Are Some Examples of Inadequate Security for a Business?

Published on Mar 26, 2024 at 7:05 pm in Negligent Security.

What are some examples of inadequate security for a business


When entering a Maryland place of business, whether as an employee or a customer, there are many things you may be thinking about, but your personal safety should not be one of them. Businesses have a responsibility and a duty of care to provide a safe environment free of potential accidents or acts of physical harm.

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses are constantly facing threats from various sources, including physical incidents. In 2022 alone, situations like these reportedly cost companies an estimated $1 trillion in revenue.

While cybersecurity often grabs the headlines, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of the protection of people, property, and physical assets from the risk of physical threats. Inadequate security can leave a business vulnerable to theft, vandalism, and even harm to employees and customers.

In this post, we’ll explore some common examples of inadequate security and why addressing these vulnerabilities is crucial for the safety and success of any business.

Common Security Concerns Maryland Companies Have to Worry About

A few issues that often result in breaches that affect safety, putting employees and guests, thus exposing businesses to legal exposure include:

The Presence of Too Few Employees to Maintain a Lookout

In any business, the presence of security guards serves as a critical line of defense against potential threats and ensures the safety of both employees and customers. However, having inadequate security on staff can pose significant dangers to everyone within the premises, including the following:

  • Making it so that they’re unable to respond to emergencies promptly
  • Resulting in the preservation of limited surveillance coverage
  • Not having a deterrence effect on criminal behavior
  • Providing inadequate crowd control
  • Limiting the ability to enforce safety protocols
  • Heightening the vulnerability to security threats

Having too few guards represents a clear danger to both employees and customers within a business environment. Businesses must prioritize the hiring of this type of staff member to safeguard the welfare of everyone and everything within their premises.

Lack of Access Control

One of the most apparent signs of inadequate physical security is the absence of robust access control systems. Without proper access controls in place, anyone can enter the premises, posing significant risks to assets, data, and personnel.

For instance, a business that relies solely on traditional locks and keys is susceptible to unauthorized access. Similarly, failing to implement electronic access control systems, such as keycards or biometric scanners, can leave critical areas vulnerable to intruders.

Poor Lighting and Surveillance

Insufficient lighting and surveillance are also telltale signs of inadequate security for a business.

Dimly lit areas not only create safety hazards but also provide cover for potential intruders. Additionally, a lack of surveillance cameras or outdated surveillance systems can make it challenging to monitor and deter criminal activity effectively. (The presence of cameras can boost employee productivity, as well.)

Without proper lighting and surveillance, businesses may struggle to identify safety threats in a timely manner, increasing the likelihood of theft or vandalism.

Unsecured Entry Points

Unsecured entry points represent a significant weakness a business has.

This includes doors, windows, loading docks, and other potential entryways that are not adequately secured. For instance, doors with weak locks or malfunctioning alarms can be easily bypassed by intruders. Similarly, windows without proper locks or reinforcements are susceptible to break-ins.

Businesses must ensure that all entry points are properly secured to prevent unauthorized access and protect valuable assets.

Failures To Secure the Perimeter

Failing to establish adequate perimeter security is another example of inadequate physical security for a business. Fences, gates, and barriers, are essential for controlling access to the premises and deterring trespassers.

Without proper perimeter security, businesses are vulnerable to unauthorized entry, vandalism, and other breaches.

Investing in robust perimeter security can help businesses create a secure boundary around their facilities and minimize the risk of external threats.

Inadequate Employee Training

Employee training plays a crucial role in maintaining effective physical access control security systems. Inadequate training can lead to employees inadvertently compromising safety protocols or failing to respond appropriately to threats. For example, employees may inadvertently prop open doors or share access codes with unauthorized individuals, undermining access control measures.

By providing comprehensive training, businesses can empower employees to recognize and respond to security threats effectively, enhancing overall safety.

Failure to Conduct Regular Security Audits

Safety audits are essential for identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in a business’s physical infrastructure.

However, failing to conduct regular audits is a common oversight that can leave businesses exposed to potential threats. Without proper audits, businesses may overlook critical safety issues or fail to address them promptly.

Conducting regular security audits helps businesses proactively identify and address vulnerabilities, thus improving safety.

Neglecting Maintenance and Upkeep

Neglecting maintenance and upkeep of security systems can also affect a company’s efforts to maintain safe premises. Over time, alarms, surveillance cameras, and access control systems may experience wear and tear or technical issues that affect their effectiveness.

Failure to address these issues promptly can result in system failures or malfunctions, leaving the business vulnerable to security breaches. Businesses must prioritize regular maintenance and upkeep of their technology to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Inadequate security can pose significant risks to businesses, ranging from theft and vandalism to potential harm to employees.

By addressing common vulnerabilities such as lack of access control systems, poor lighting and surveillance, unsecured entry points, and inadequate perimeter security, businesses can enhance the overall safety of their premises and mitigate potential threats.

Investing in employee training, conducting regular security audits, and prioritizing maintenance and upkeep of their systems is essential.

By taking proactive measures to address these vulnerabilities, businesses can better protect their assets, data, and personnel from security threats.

If you feel that you’ve been injured due to a lack of physical security on a Maryland business property, contact us at Belsky & Horowitz, LLC today. We’ll put you in touch with one of our negligent security attorneys here in Baltimore for a free consultation to discuss your injury incident.



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